Here is step-by-step instruction guide on Knitted Cast On Method.
1. Make a slipknot at the end of the yarn, leaving a couple of inches tail to prevent the knot from slipping of.
2. Insert a needle into the slipknot while holding the needle with your left hand. This count as the first stitch.
3. Insert a right hand needle into the stitch from front to back.
4. Wrap the yarn around the right hand needle by bringing yarn behind the needle from right to left, and around on top of the needle from left to right. Pull yarn gently to tighten the wrap.
5. Slide the right needle downward with the wrapped yarn and pull it through the first stitch.
6. Slip the new stitch from right needle onto the left needle. Adjust and tighten the stitch.
7. Repeat step 2-6 until you get the number of stitches required.
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