Simple Mop Covers - Free Knitting Patterns

What would you if you couldn't find your mop cover in any store? Not much you can do beside buying a new mop, isn't it? Well, not so if you're a crocheter or a knitter.

knitted mop cover on mop

I really badly executed my old mop cover. It has got so many holes and started to thin out. I just couldn't seem to find a replacement any where. Finally, I had to knit my own mop cover because I couldn't stand looking at the old one any longer.

I've got a lot of left over cotton yarn from my other project. So I started to knit the first cover without exact measurement. I came up with this simple pattern using double strains of yarn;

knitted mop cover

Pattern # 1: Simple Mop Cover


Skill Level: Easy

Measurement: 5" x 15"

Gauge: 4 sts/inch on US #10


1. 2 (50g) balls of 100% cotton yarn in color of your choice.

2. 32 inch-circular knitting needle US size #10

3. Tapestry needle

Note: Customize this mob cover pattern to fit yours by casting on # of stitches to match your mop width. Then work until you reach desired length. The rest of the pattern should be the same.


Holding 2 strains of yarn from each ball together and cast on 20 stitches. Knit in stockinette stitch (knit on the right side and purl on the wrong side) until piece measure 15 inches from cast on. Do not cut yarn.

Begin Back Edging for the mop cover as follows:

Right side: Pick up and knit around all four edges. Join yarn in round. Begin working in rounds as follow;

Round 1: Slip one stitch from right needle onto left needle, *slip 2 sts knitwise (sl 2), k1, psso (pass the two slip sts over the stitch just knitted), K to a stitch before the corner stitch; repeat from * to end.

Round 2: Same as round 1.

Round 3: Cut one strain of yarn off leaving 6 inches end to weave in. K2, P2 ribbing to the end. (Use your judgement whether you want to decrease or increase a stitch if you found your stitches ending in odd number.)

Round 4-5: Continue K2,p2 ribbing.

Round 6 (Decreasing row): *K2,p2tog; repeat from * to the end.

Round 7: *K 2, p1; repeat to the end.

Round 8: Same as row 7.

Bind off all stitches. Cut off yarn leaving 6 inches tail. Weave all ends behind work. Slip it right on your mop. Work well on wood floor. I use my to do a quick mop on spilling and wood spray touch up. Most of the time I use Eureka steamer to clean my floor. I guess pretty soon I'll be knitting Eureka mop head since the ones I have are starting to shrink shorter and shorter.

knitted mop cover slip stitch

right side of slip stitch rib pattern

Pattern # 2: Slip Stitch Rib Mop Cover


This cover is knitted pretty much the same way as # 1 except I used slip stitch rib pattern on the body part of the mop. The back trim or ribbing is work the same as pattern # 1.


Multiple of 2 sts + 1

Cast on 21 sts.

Row 1 (right side): *K 1, sl 1 purlwise; repeat from * to the last st., k1.

Row 2 (wrong side): P the p sts and k the k sts.

Repeat these 2 rows until desired length. Begin working in round for back edging as same as pattern # 1.

If you prefer the wrong side rather than the right side you can just flip it over before begin the back edging.

knitted mop cover slip sts wrong side

wrong side of Slip Stitch Rib Pattern

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