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Armhole and shawl collar shaping

by Linda
(Cape Cod, MA)

Hi--Can you please confirm if I have interpreted the following paragraph for shaping correctly? I'm new at this and find I need to type out each row see below for it to make sense! I mostly need to know-- do I begin my increasing in row 6 as I've interpreted? This is just the left side -- I will need to reverse it for the right side-- that will come next! Thank you!!

LEFT FRONT :Cast on 30 stitches, work even until piece measures 15½in. /39.5cm from beg, end with a WS row.
Armhole and shawl collar shaping
Note: Read through entire shaping directions before beginning.
Next row
(RS) Bind off 3 sts (armhole edge), k to last 5 sts, M1 (collar inc), k5. Knit next row. Cont to shape armhole as foll: dec 1 st at armhole edge on next row, then every other row 1 time more. AT THE SAME TIME, inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge every 4th row 5 times more, then every 6th row twice -- 33 sts. Work even until armhole measures same as back to shoulder, end with a WS row.
Armhole and shawl collar shaping:

1. (RS) Bind off 3 sts (armhole edge), k to last 5 sts, M1 (collar inc), k5.
2. Knit row
3. dec 1 st at armhole edge on this row
4. Knit row
5. dec 1 st at armhole edge on this row
6. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge
7. Knit row
8. Knit row
9. Knit row
10. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge
11. Knit row
12. Knit row
13. Knit row
14. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge
15. Knit row
16. Knit row
17. Knit row
18. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge
19. Knit row
20. Knit row
21. Knit row
22. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge
23. Knit row
24. Knit row
25. Knit row
26. Knit row
27. Knit row
28. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge Knit row
29. Knit row
30. Knit row
31. Knit row
32. Knit row
33. Knit row
34. inc 1 st (M1) 5 sts from collar edge –33 sts.
35. Work even until armhole measures same as back to shoulder, end with a WS row.

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Nov 01, 2018
move up one row, not down, correct?
by: Ratchadawan

LOL, I guess my brain is not function so well that day. Yes, move up not down. Sorry about that.


Oct 31, 2018
move up one row, not down, correct?
by: Linda

Thank you so much! In your first paragraph you meant to say, move your M1 up one row, not down one row, correct? This then matches your example in your second paragraph. This has been so helpful and I really appreciate it!!!

Oct 30, 2018
Armhole and shawl collar shaping
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Linda,

It's nice when you can see the pattern row by row. You're on the right track but just missed by one row. Move the M1 down one row then it should be fine.

The M1 increase starts at row 1 and have to be done every 4th row 5 times more. So the next increase rows should be row 5,9,13,17,21 and then every 6th row twice (row 27 and 33).

Yes, the right side is a reverse version of the left.
Thank you for visiting and have fun knitting!


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