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Easy Knitting Stitch Patterns - Beautiful & Easy Stitches for Your Projects

Knitting stitch patterns are fun to knit. You can let your imagination gone wild with these stitch patterns. Try them and have fun with them. Knit a bunch of washcloth for yourself and as gifts.

The patterns listed below are all formed by knit, purl, rib, and lace stitches. I plan to add cable knit to this page in the future.

flower thumbnail

Flower Stitch Knitting pattern 

This is another one of my favorite patterns.  Give it a try and I'm sure you'll fall in love with it.  You can watch my video and see what you think. 

Celtic Plait in blue is one of many cable sts patterns you'll find here.

Cascading Leaves is one of my favorite patterns.

I love learning and finding new knitting stitch patterns. Even though I don't really have all the time I want to enjoy knitting them. I love to design different things out of these stitch patterns.

In the past, I have used laces and cable patterns to design hats and scarves. They turned out quite nice.

I will gradually add more knit stitch patterns to this page. As you know knitting take time. Let me know what pattern you like to see if you can't find it from here.

Please do send a photo and pattern to share with us if you've designed any interesting patterns.

Knit And Purl - Knitting Stitch Patterns

Click on links to see photos and instructions.

Star Stitch Pattern (little more complex for beginners but fun to try)

Fancy Chevron Stitch (scroll down toward the end of this page to see this pattern)

Lattice Stitch

Moss Stitch (scroll down to the end of this page to see the pattern)

Rib Stitch Knitting Patterns

Double eyelet rib knitting pattern

Garter Stitch Rib (will link you to my FB Fan page where I post the pattern) This is a simple and beautiful pattern beginners will love.

Fancy Slip Stitch Rib

Faggotted Stitch

Double Eyelet Rib Stitch

Corded Rib Pattern

Fisherman Rib (Fisherman's Rib) Pattern

Single Lace Rib Pattern - This is another pattern I used for my dishcloth. Go to Dishcloth #2 to see the pattern. Skip the first and the last five sts for the actual pattern.

Cable Panel Knitting Patterns

Lace Stitch Knitting Patterns

loose lattice lace

*New* Feather Lace Love this sophisticated look!

Fishtail Lace Another fun lace to knit. I used this pattern to knit this hat.

Feather and Fan This is an all time knitter favorite.  Got to have something knit with this.

Scallop Pattern I used this pattern in my girl's scallop edge skirt. When knitting it in rows add one knit st (right side) at the beginning of the pattern.

Diamond Panel

Fern diamond Pattern This is one of the patterns I knitted dishcloth with. You can find this pattern on the Dishcloth pattern #1 at the top of dishcloth page. The actual pattern is between the two marker (after k5, and before the last k5 of the right side). These first five sts and last 5 sts were extra sts I added for the border.

Cascading Leaves

Loose Lattice Lace (picture above)

Arrowhead Lace

Little arrowhead - See this pattern on my Dishcloth pattern #3.

Cell (cellular) Stitch

Edging /Border / Insertion Knitting Patterns

Pretty Lacy Edge - Delicate and beautiful. Great for home projects!

Garter-Eyelet border - Look great on my scarf!

Easy Eyelet Edging - Lots of eyelets for this one.

Scallop Edge 1 - I used this on a skirt.  It look lovely.

Easy scallop Edge Pattern - New** just added 1/24/22

Column Pattern

Eiffel Tower Stitch

Fancy Chevron Stitch

Knitting Stitch Patterns Instruction:

Multiple of 22+1 (e.g. 22+1, 44+1, 66+1, ect...)

Row 1 (right side): K1, *p3, [k1,p1] twice, k1, p5, k1, [p1, k1] twice, p3, k1, repeat from * to end.

Row 2: P2, *k3, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p1, [k1, p1] twice,k3, p3; repeat from *to last 21 sts, k3, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p1, [k1, p1] twice, k3, p2.

Row 3: K3, *p3, [k1, p1] 5 times, k1, p3, k5, repeat from * to last 20 sts, p3, [k1, p1] 5 times, k1, p3, k3.

Row 4: K1, *p3, k3, [p1, k1] 4 times, p1, k3, p3, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 5: P2,*k3, p3, [k1, p1] 3 times k1, p3, k3, p3; repeat from * to last 21 sts, k3, p3, [k1, p1] 3 times, k1, p3, k3, p2.

Row 6: K3,*p3, k3, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p3, k5; repeat from * to last 20 sts, p3, k3, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p3, k3.

Row 7: K1, *p3, k3, p3, k1, p1, k1, p3, k3, p3, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 8: K1, *[p1, k3, p3, k3] twice, p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 9: K1, *p1, k1, p3, k3, p5, k3, p3, k1, p1, k1; repeat from * to end.

Row 10: K1, *p1, k1, p1, [k3, p3] twice, k3, [p1, k1] twice; repeat from * to end.

Row 11: K1, [p1, k1] twice, p3. k3, p1, k3, p3, *[k1, p1] 4 times, k1, p3, k3, p1, k3, p3; repeat from * to last 5 sts, [k1, p1] twice, k1.

Row 12: K1, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3, p5, k3, *[p1, k1] 5 times, p1, k3, p5, k3; repeat from * to last 6 sts, [p1, k1] 3 times.

Row 13: P2, *[k1, p1] twice, k1, p3, k3, p3, [k1, p1] twice, k1, p3; repeat from * to last 21 sts, [k1, p1] twice, k1, p3, k3, p3, [k1, p1] twice, k1, p2.

Row 14: K3, *[p1, k1] twice, [p1, k3] twice, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k5; repeat from * to last 20 sts, [p1, k1] twice, [p1, k3] twice, [p1, k1] twice, p1, k3.

Repeat these 14 rows

Moss Stitch Pattern

Moss stitch Pattern

Multiple of 2 + 1

Row 1: K1, *p1, k1; rep from * to end.

Repeat this row to from Moss Stitch Pattern.

Knitting Abbreviations Used In This Page:

k = knit

p = purl

rep = repeat

I hope you have fun with these knit stitch patterns!

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