Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


Hi, I am having trouble interpreting a pattern. It is as follows:
Using 3.25 needles cast on 100 sts. Knit 3 rows garter (1st row wrong side).
Work 18 rows pattern as for Back of Coat decreasing 3 sts. evenly across last row (97)sts.
Work 11 rows rib as for Sleeves of Coat.

Now the confusing bit, COAT BACK
Knit 3 rows garter stitch (1st row wrong side).
4th row is pattern
5th row is pattern
6th row is pattern
7th row is pattern.
Repeat rows 4 - 7 incl. three times, then 4th and 5th rows once.
Then it goes on to say work in stocking stitch until work measures 18cm from beg. ending with a knit row.
Nest row P1, *P2 tog, P1 repeat.

I am not sure what row is the 18th row.

First 3 garter (as on both), then rows 4,5,6,7 x 3 to me is 15. I am not an experienced knitter and this is for my first grandchild so any help would be very much appreciated.


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May 09, 2020
Baby Bonnett
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Anne,

It's very confusing pattern, isn't it.
You're right about the 3 garter rows plus the 4,5,6,7 x 3 is 15. There is also a repeat of row 4,5 once, so that makes it 17. Then on row 18, you can do the 3sts decrease evenly.

That's how I would do it.

Thanks so much for your question. Happy Mother's day!


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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