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blocking a sweater

by Ann McCauley
(Missoula, Montana)

I am working with a yarn comprised of alpaca, silk, and wool in almost equal proportions. The wrapper states: Do Not IRON. Is it possible to block a sweater by washing? The yarn is washable. I am a very experienced knitter and have never encountered this question. I thank you for your help!

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Jan 20, 2018
Blocking a sweater
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Ann,

I have blocked alpaca, sick and wool before and they turned out beautiful. I always block my knitting using water and lay them flat to dry. So, yes you can block yours by washing it by hand gently. Then squeeze most of the water out and lay your piece on a towel. Roll the towel and sweater together and press excess water off. Now your sweater is ready to be pinned down on a blocking board or a dry towel.

I usually pin mine on a towel over a carpet floor since I don't have any blocking board. I can't believe it after all these years of knitting and I don't have one!

Thank you for visiting and enjoy your weekend!


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