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Boys and girls vest.

by Jodi

I am trying to whip up this back to school vest for my grandson. So far the pattern is easily readable. My only question is on the increase row on row 14. As I read it, I am increasing 7sts on a WS (purl) row. I don’t even know how you would increase in a rib stitch so I assume on row 14 you are purling and doing a purl increase every 7 sts or so. Thx!

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Aug 14, 2018
Boys and girls vest
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jodi,

That's wonderful! I love seeing that vest on my daughter when she was younger. Yes, on the 14th row you just purl straight and add 7 sts to that row evenly. You got it! Sorry for the confusion.

Happy Knitting!

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