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Braid cable

by Lorna Grant
(Hythe Southampton England )

braid sleeves

braid sleeves

Cast on 28(32)36 sts using 7 mm needles and work in rounds – 8 rounds rib (K2, P2)
Change to 8 mm needle and work in rounds as follows: K9(11)13, 3 sts (P,K,P), K2tog. Cast on 16 sts, SKP, 3 sts (P,K,P), K9(11)13.
42(46)50 sts rem on needle (16 sts mid centre for cabling). Work 6 rounds according to chart (seed stitch) and St st over ”cabling strip”.
Cast off the 16 sts. Continue and cast on 16 new sts on next round for new ”cabling strip”.
At the same time: on 16th round cast on 2 new sts centred underneath sleeve. Rep this after 16 rounds and hereafter on every 8th round 4 times, 38(42)46 + 16 sts on needle. Leave sts on holder and w

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Oct 11, 2020
knit Braid Cable in rounds
by: Ratchadawan

Hello again Lona,

The instruction says knit in rounds, but it won't work if using cable needle because the circle is very small. The only way for it to work out is to use double pointed needles. So, you. have to have 2 sets of dpn in size 7mm and 8mm.

I tried knitting a sample piece couple times. The first time I tried casting on the 16 sts with one needle, but it won't work out. Then the second time, I cast on 8 sts at one end of the needle and another 8 sts on a new needle and it worked out. (see picture above)

Here is what you can do; Cast on on 28 sts (I'm using the smallest size for example) then divided them on to 3 dpns. First needle has 9st, second needle has 10 sts and third needle has 9 sts. Do the ribbing and then when you get to the part where you change to 8mm needle, you can do the following;

needle #1: K9(11)13,
needle #2: 3 sts (P,K,P), K2tog. Cast on 8 sts,
Get a new needle and cast on 8 sts, SKP, 3 sts (P,K,P), This become needle #3
Needle #4: K9(11)13.

This set up will make it easier to knit. Then just follow the rest of the pattern.

Thanks for the question and visit. Have fun knitting!


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