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Breaking yarn and rejoining

Hi There,
I wonder if you are able to help me? I have a pattern for a simple pull-through scarf which has an opening in the middle to pull one end of the scarf through. I understood all of the pattern until the opening. If I may just give a few instructions, perhaps you can make it clear to me what I should be doing??

Row 49: K13,turn.
Row 50: K6, turn work & cont on 6 stitches just knitted, leaving rem sts on needles.
K8 rows.
Break yarn & leave sts just knitted on stitch holder. Rejoin yarn to 7 sts on LH needle on RS of work.
K3 rows.
Next Row: K2, p to end.
K3 rows.
Next Row: K2, p to end.
K2 rows.
Break yarn & add sts to those already on stitch holder. Rejoin yarn to 7 rem sts on WS of work.

I hope this is not too much to ask! I understand the abbreviations etc but I have knitted it several times and am clueless about the breaking yarn and rejoining it. I am think I am supposed to be forming an opening like a large buttonhole.

I hope you can maybe make it a bit clearer.

Many Thanks!

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Jul 23, 2015
Such a cool site!
by: Betty

Hi again,

Thanks so much, I cannot believe how helpful you are! I have undone my knitting because it was a mess and am going to start again when a get a moment in front of your video. I will let you know how I get on. Many thanks :)

Jul 23, 2015
Sorry about the last video
by: Ratchadawan

I'm sorry about the last video. I just realized that it only upload the last part of it. I had six little clips all together. I was able to get through YouTube today and I was very disappointed. Sorry for the confusion. I hope this time it will work out better.

Here is a link to the new video ;



Jul 23, 2015
Sorry about the last video
by: Ratchadawan

I'm sorry about the last video. I just realized that it only upload the last part of it. I had six little clips all together. I was able to get through YouTube today and I was very disappointed. Sorry for the confusion. I hope this time it will work out better.

Here is a link to the new video ;



Jul 20, 2015
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Wow! Such a prompt reply, I look forward to watching the video and will get back to you! Thanks so much x

Jul 20, 2015
Rejoining yarn
by: Ratchadawan

I'm actually on my way to a camping trip when I got your submission. So I just grabbed a ball of yarn and needle. I've only got an iPhone with me to record the video. I hope it all makes sense to you and sorry for the not very best film. I tried my best. I might not be able to have wifi for a few day from now on. I'm glad I got a chance to answer your question.

Here is a vide explaining your question;


Have a great day!

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