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Cable pattern

by Hazel

I have a 12 row cable panel . On row 3 only it refers to c8b, c8f at beg and end of row .
The pattern of the jumper shows pattern slanting .
The instruction that confuses me says ...
Work 32 rows more in Katy I can 1 st before 1st cable label as before AT SAME TIME dec 1 st after 1st cable oanel as before and dec 1 st before 2nd cable o Ppi Abel as before AT SAME TIME inc 1 st after 2nd cable panel as before .
I have no idea what rows to increase/decrease on an at what stage to inc/decreased v
Sirdar have been unhelpful and told me 4 different things when I call .
There has been plenty of tears , hours of undoing knitting and plenty of frustration as I am new to knitting and wanted to complete jumper as Christmas present to daughter.
Hope you can assist
Kind regards

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Dec 21, 2019
Cable pannel
by: Ratchadawan

I'm so sorry for answer this late. I hardly find time to sit down and look at the computer in past days.

It looks like you are almost done expect this cable decrease part. I'll try my best to help you.

The two cable panels are slanted because the increases of the outer parts of both panels and the decrease of the inner of the cable panel.

On the first set of the cable panel you did from row 1-12 has increases and decrease on odd rows. The yfwd & yrn for the increases and sl 1 k1 passover for decreases.

Basically, you just follow the path of the pattern row 1-12 until you gain 32 more rows. The numbers of stitches will change though.

So on the next row, row 13 (similar to row one), you'll do K9, yfwd, yrn, p2 k16, p2, sl1,k1,psso, k to last 31 (I think I count it right), k2tog, p2, k16, k2, yon, K to end.

Then on the even row you just knit and purl corresponding sts. as before.

Again, on row 15 (similar to row 3), you'll start with k10, and so forth. but you have to do the c8b and c8f on this row.
Sorry I could barely read the pattern. It was very blurred.

I hope this make senses. I sure do hope you finish this on time.

Best to you,

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