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Cable stitches using only 2 needles

by Sarah
(Australia )

Knitting a mans sleevless vest - has a pattern in 4 rows and third row is “cable.
K14, *K1tbl, P1, cable(knit into front of 3rd st on LH needle, yfwd, then knit tog the first 2 SMS on LH needle allowing all 3 stitches to slip off LH needle together*

Any hints appreciated


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Mar 26, 2018
Cable with 2 needles
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome. Thank you for your appreciation. Best wish on your project.


Mar 26, 2018
Cable with only 2 needles
by: Anonymous

Thanks you the trouble you have take. - a great help and will follow carefully.

Mar 25, 2018
Cable stitch using 2 needles
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sarah,

I tried knitting the cable you mentioned above. It turned out like a cable st.

Here is how I do it;

I think you've already known the K1tble, right? It's to knit through the back loop.

Pick up the front loop of the 3rd st with the right needle (from left to right) and knit, don't slide it off yet, bring yarn in front and knit the first 2 sts together. Now slip all 3 sts of the needle at once.

I hope I explain it clearly. If not then this video might help. It's not exactly the same though but it's the same concept of skipping stitch and knit.


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