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Cable Throw by Premier - incomplete instructions?

by Valery
(White Plains)

I'm working on the chasing cable throw pattern by Premier. There are instructions for the cable square and then instructions for the stitch guide, but it doesn't say how they fit together.

Next the instructions for row 5 are K1,p1 3 times, p1,RT,p1,LT,p1 k1,p13 times. There are 27 stitches on the needle, this only accounts for 14 stitches. I'm guessing this should be repeated, but it doesn't say so. Can you help with this? I tried to contact premier ,but they didn't get back to me.


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Mar 26, 2018
Cable Throw by Premier
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Valery,

The pattern is correct. Look at the stitch guide to make RT and LT below. There are 6 sts in each one. When you count stitches, it should look like this;

Row 5 :[K1,p1] 3 times (6sts), p1,RT,p1,LT,p1 (15st) [k1,p1]3 (6sts) times. Total of 27 sts. Does that make sense?


RT: Slip 3 sts onto cable needle, hold in back,
k3, k3 from cable needle.

LT: Slip 3 sts onto cable needle, hold in front,
k3, k3 from cable needle.

So, now when you working on RT (right twist, I assumed), you can just follow the instruction above and you should be okay.

Happy knitting!


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