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Cap Hill Cable Hat - What does C5F stand for?

by Dolly
(Cleveland, Ohio)

Question: Please explain the term C5F, in the abbreviation, it states to put 3 stitches on cable and knit 2 from left needle. However, on another site it states to place 2 sts on cable needle and knit 3 from left needle. Which is correct.

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Apr 25, 2017
Cap Hill Cable Hat - What does C5F stand for?
by: Ratchadawan


Hi Dolly,

When I looked at a picture of a Cap Hill Cable Hat (https://www.craftsy.com/knitting/kits/cap-hill-cable-hat-knitting-kit/466791), I saw a cable pattern with 3 sts in front of work. So, the designer gave you the right interpretation. Therefore, the right way for this pattern is to place 3 sts on a cable needle and place them in front of work, then knit 2 from left needle. When you did that, you can compare your cable to the picture. It should look the same.

I don't know exactly what is the right way to translate "C5F" because there are so many ways people use them. I think the best way is to look at the pattern and always stick with the knitting term that comes with the pattern itself.

Thank you for visiting and happy knitting,


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