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Casting off to shape top of sleeve

by Niicky Martin
(Birmingham in UK)

The knitting pattern I’m following says
When the sleeve measures 20 cm , cast off 1+3+2 stitches at both sides. 2+2+11 times for the armhole.
When the sleeve measures 28 cm, cast off remaining 13 stitches together and bind off.
At present I have 53 stitches so I need to cast off 40 stitches to leave 13, but I can’t understand how to do this.
Can you help please?

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Jul 01, 2020
Casting off to shape top of sleeve
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Niicky,

Thanks for visiting and questioning. This is not the way you want to see the pattern written. It's not very clear and very confusing. I've tried to work out the decrease many different ways and the numbers didn't come out right. It seems to me that you should have 51 sts left for this decrease to work out.

This is how the pattern wants you to decrease;

Cast off 1 st at both side 2 times ( 4 sts decrease).
Cast off 3 sts at both sides 2 times (12 sts decrease)
Cast off 2 sts at both side 11 times (22 sts decrease)

You do this by decrease 1 st at each end of the next 2 rows. Then cast off 3 sts at the beginning of the next 4 rows. Then cast off 2 sts at the beginning of the next 22 rows. This amounts to 38 sts decrease. I would add one more row of 2 sts decrease to make it up to 40 sts.

This is the best way I could come up with. I would suggest contact a designer and clarify it with his or her if you're dislike my suggestion.

Have a great day!

At present I have 53 stitches so I need to cast off 40 stitches to leave 13, but I can’t understand how to do this.

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