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Cat's ears, knit.

by Lillian Sauve

Hi. I am knitting a cat's head applique. I have ripped it out twice, because I keep messing up the cat's ears. Instructions say only once to turn.

What am I doing wrong? Not a skilled knitter, and I keep doing this part wrong.

Thankyou for taking the time.

Knitted Cat Face Scrubby

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Mar 07, 2021

by: Ratchadawan


I think the problem is with the turn. I can't think of anything else.

Row 1: K8; leave remaining sts unworked, turn—8 sts.

You knit 8 stitches, leaving the rest of the sts on the needle just the way they are. For now, You want to focus on the first 8 sts that you just knitted on the right needle. Now turn the piece over and your 8sts is now on you left hand. proceed to row 2 and the rest.

Row 2: Knit 8 sts.
Row 3: K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1—6 sts. (ignore the rest of the stitch on the needle)
Keep following pattern until you finish the first ear.

For the second ear, you shouldn't have any problem with it if you've done the first ear already.

I'm not sure if this helps at all. Let me know if you still needle help.

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