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Circular gauge swatch question

by Sharon


I am using a pattern for a hat and the recommended gauge simply says, "Gauge: 2 inches= 10 sts." It mentions nothing about the number of rows or type of stitch to use for the gauge swatch. Since this pattern is worked in the round, I've started a circular gauge swatch in stockinette stitch. Is this the correct stitch to use and do I not need to worry about the number of rows?

Thank you for your help

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Oct 21, 2021
Circular gauge swatch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Sharon,

Yes, I would knit a swatch in stockinette stitch since it doesn't specify what stitch to use. I notice a lot of times hand knitted patterns don't give out a number of rows but ask for a measurement instead. Hat and scarf patterns are more common.

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