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Circular Needles - How to figure out needle size.

by Kathie

needle and hook gauge measurement

needle and hook gauge measurement

I have been given these circular needles. They were not into any packing that stated size or length. So, Is there anyway I can figure it out.

Hi Kathie,

Thanks for the question.

Yes, there are ways to figure out needle's size. One way is to buy Needle & Crochet Hook Gauge It's very inexpensive and it is quite handy to have around. I had problem figuring out my needle sizes myself because I kept putting needles back in the wrong packages. I had to buy a needle gauge and have it handy all the time. It's a life saver.

I posted a picture of my needle gauge here so you can have some idea how it looks like.

Another way is to measure the width of the needle in millimeter and compare it to the knitting needle size chart.

Hope this helps.

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Dec 01, 2012
very very useful
by: Anonymous

Thank u so much for the great information, I also have lots of circular needles that don't know the size, so I keep buying the new ones.
love........thank u agggggggaaaain......nancy


Your're welcome, Nancy. I'm glad it helps


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