Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


by Anonymous

Join both shoulder seams.
Firstly I like to know how do you join these.
With RS. Slip 6 sts from right front holder onto right needle. Rejoin yarn and pick up and knit 13 sts up right side of front neck. K across 32 sts on back holder, then pick up and knit 13 sts down left side of front neck. K across 6 sts on left front holder 70 sts.

Work g st until 20 cm

Please thank you help

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May 26, 2022
Collar help
by: Ratchadawan

The 70 sts are the number of stitches you should have on the needle after picking up all the stitches. These will be your collar stitches.
You can just move on to the next row.

Sorry for the late reply.


May 25, 2022
Collar help
by: Anonymous

Can you help me. I don’t understand the 70 sts part

May 17, 2022

by: Ratchadawan

Hi there,

Slip 6 sts of the right front onto right needle then get a new yarn and start picking up 13 stitches evenly along the right side of the front neck. Please look for videos on how to pick up stitches along neck line to get some idea if you have never done this. Then knit all 32 stitches of the back from the holder. then pick up 13 sts evenly along the left front neck edge and knit the last 6 sts from the holder.

Hope this is helpful. Thanks for the question.


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Samia Yarn from Knit Picks

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