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Confused about decrease end

I’m knitting a comfort cap 108 stitches in the round

The decrease round #1 reads *k7(8), K2tog;repeat from* to end of rnd-64 (81)stars rem

I’m no sure how knit this. I don’t know what - *7(8), k2tog eans

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Oct 11, 2020
confuse about cap decrease
by: Ratchadawan


The * is a mark indicating the area where repetition starts.
So, for your pattern on this round, you'll do k7 or k8 (depending on your size), then k2 tog and then go back and repeat from the *. So, we look and see where the * is placed. It's placed right in front of k7. So that where we'll repeat. So you'll keep doing k7 or k8, k2tog over and over again until the end of the round.

I hope I help explain this Cleary. If not, then let me know.

Thanks for the question.


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