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Confused as to what Back to shoulders means

by Brenda

I am knitting a pullover sweater for my granddaughter. I am working on the back of the sweater now, but I am confused about these directions: “Continue even in pattern on each side until piece measures same length as Back to shoulders, ending after a wrong side row.“ I understand the part about continuing even in pattern on each side, but I can’t figure out what it means about “the same length as Back to shoulders.” When I was knitting the front, it gave me a specific amount of inches that the piece should measure at this point.

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Jul 24, 2021
Confused as to what Back to shoulders means
by: Brenda

Thank you for your explanation. This is my first time trying to knit a sweater and the directions were very confusing in some parts. Most of them I was able to figure out, but this direction about back to shoulders really confused me. I think I will be able to finish it now. Thank you again!

Jul 23, 2021
confuse about direction
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Brenda,

Generally, we starts out knitting a back piece of the sweater first. I'm surprised when you said you already knitted the front before the back.

Since you've already done the front, you should have no trouble finishing the back. The direction wants both pieces of back and front to have the same length up to shoulder and then you can proceed to decreasing the neck of doing shoulder decrease. I'm not sure if you have to do neck decreases on the back but usually you don't do it for a child sweater. In that case, you can just knit up to the length of the shoulder of the front piece and begin shoulder bind off. It should work out good long as both pieces have the same length.

Sometimes direction is just too confusing.

Thank you for sharing your question. Have fun knitting!


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