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Decrease in pattern

next row (rs) K9 11: 13: 15, work next 13 sts as row 1 of Heart Motif Chart, K11 13: 15: 17, work next 13 sts as row 1 of Heart Motif Chart, K9 11: 13: 15.
next row P9 11: 13: 15, work next 13 sts as row 2 of Heart Motif Chart, P11 13: 15: 17, work next 13 sts as row 2 of Heart Motif Chart, P9 11: 13: 15.
These 2 rows set the sts – 2 Heart Motifs with st st (stockinette st) between and at sides.
Keeping sts correct as now set, working rem 14 rows of Heart Motifs, cont as follows:
Dec 1 st at each end of next and 2 foll 6th rows. 49 55: 61: 67 sts. Work 1 row, ending after Heart Motif Chart row 16 and with a ws row.

This is my pattern, this is the part I’m stuck on I don’t know if I’m reading this right, Iv done the heart motif, thinking that was all I needed to do, then read the part on decreases, but if I was to decrease there would be 49 stitches remaining and I wouldn’t have my 55 stitches to do the pattern explained at the top, I’m very confused !

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Jul 10, 2021
heart motif decrease in pattern.
by: Ratchadawan

Yes, you're right after decrease you'll leave with 49 sts. When following the chart after the 1st decrease, you'll need to subtract out those stitches that were gone at each end of the row. Cross them out and begin the pattern with the 2nd block of the chart. Do the same with the 2nd decrease.

I hope this makes sense.
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