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Decreasing st at neck edge

Good morning,

My directions say, working both sides at once with separate balls of yarn, dec 1 st at each neck edge every RS row 3 times. I have decreased my stitch at the beginning of my row, do I also decrease a stitch on the left side of my neck edge? Also, my rows all have a selvedge stitch, do I slip stitch the first stitch on my left side? Hopefully I have successfully asked what I need to know.

Thank you


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Jan 27, 2021
Decreasing a stitch at neck edge
by: Ratchadawan

Hello SD,

The stitch that you decreased at the beginning of the row is a part of your armhole decrease, right? Just want to make sure that you know that this is a separate decrease from the neck edges.

Yes, once you are at the left neck edge of the right side row, you will need to decrease a stitch there. Don't slip the stitches along the neck edges because these may cause big gaps when you pick up stitches for a neck band. Normally, when working with stockinette pattern, you decrease on the last 3 sts by SSK and k1. This will make the edge look even. ( same thing with the armhole edge).

Once you're done with the first decrease on the left neck edge, you move to the right side using a new ball of yarn. Do k1, k2tog at the neck edge of the right side and work to the end.

Of cause if those method of decreasing sound too complicated then you can jut do it the way you normally do.

I hope these are the answers you're looking for. Thanks for visiting and submitting the question.

Have fun needling!


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