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Doing sleeves

by Amanda

I'm doing a jumper and the pattern is 26 rows long and done the back and front ok. Just doing the sleeves and I don't understand what it means these 4 rows set position of 26 row . I have put a picture on for you to see.

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Jan 24, 2023
jumper sleeve pattern and increase
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Amanda,

Those 4 rows are set up rows for the diamond pattern. You keep repeating these 4 rows to form 26 row-diamond pattern. When you do the sleeve, you maintain the pattern just as it says on those 4 rows, but make sure to increase at each end of the rows stated on your size. (e.g inc 1st at each end on the next row and then every following 8th row unit 75 sts. for the smallest size of the pattern)

Go ahead and work the 4 rows just as they are. When you complete them, you go back to work on row 1 and begin sleeve increase as directed. Place a marker before and after the asterisks will make it easier to see.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks for sharing the question.


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