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Don't understand logistics

by Pattie
(Surrey, Canada)

I am making vintage teacozy pattern that looks like a pineapple. I am using double strands of yarn. I have just completed a row of purl with double wrap on each stitch...next row...sl4 sts and drop extra wraps, replace 4 long sts on left needle (k4tog,p4tog) twice into long sts. I can not understand this part in the brackets. Can you try and help?

Thank you

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Mar 20, 2020

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Pattie,

I've never done the pineapple stitch before. Sometimes I like to to search the web to see if someone else has the same question before I answer them. I'm glad I looked. I've found a very good answer for you that is probably way much better than I can possibly explain.

Here is a link to this same question that you have;


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