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double honeycomb lace pattern

by Karen
(Florida )

double honeycomb lace pattern

double honeycomb lace pattern

Sl 1-k1-k2tog-PSSO, (yo) twice
I slip 1, then knit 1, then knit 2 together and then I bring the first slipped stitch over both the k1 and the k2tog, so 3 stitches become one. Then I do double yarn over. Of course the row begins and ends with k4. With a CO of 36 stitches, I can't get it to come out.

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Aug 28, 2023
double honeycomb lace pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karen,

You're are right the sts won't come out to 36 sts if you leave only one st after the psso.

If we leave 2 sts after the passover, we should be able to complete the 2nd row since it has 2 purl sts after the p1, and p1tbl. The same thing goes with the 3rd rows. You should have to sts after the passover.

As you can see in the picture above, my piece came out evenly with 36 sts on every row. I passed the slip st over the k1, and k2tog sts all at once leaving 2 sts after ward. These 2 sts would make up for the p2 st on the wrong side on row 3.

So, I think the description of the psso is wrong. I'd recommend doing the way I did.

Thanks for being patience with me. Have a great day!


Aug 26, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karen,

Thanks for sending me the pattern. I’m in Canada at the moment and I don’t have knitting with me. I will get back to you by Monday.
I’m very curious about this pattern and looking forward to work it out. This is very different than other honey comb lace pattern I’ve seen.


Aug 23, 2023
Double honeycomb lace pattern
by: Karen

Hi Ratcha!

I replied to your comment, but it was posted under "Anomyous." Anyway, I sent the entire pattern and it is done in multiples of 4, but on row 1, how would the peso result in 2 stitches?

Aug 22, 2023
Double honeycomb lace pattern
by: Anonymous

There is no link, but here's the pattern:
Honeycomb lace (multiple of 4 sts)
CO 36 sts, then knit 5 rows.
Row 1: K4, *sl 1-k1-k2tog-psso, (yo) twice; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4
Row 2: K4, *(p1, p1-tbl) into double yo, p2; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4
Row 3: K4, *(yo) twice, sl 1-k2tog-k1-psso; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4.
Row 4: K4, *p2, (p1, p1-tbl) into double yo; rep from * to last 4 sts, k4
Rep Rows 1-4 to desired length.
Knit 5 rows and bind off loosely.
As already stated, the pattern seems to indicate that the PSSO is over both the k1 and the k2tog which reduces 3 sts to 1 and doesn't make sense to me, and it certainly doesn't work out. HELP PLEASE!

Aug 22, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Karen,

I think after the passover you should have two sts not one. I have to see the whole pattern for this pattern. Do you. have a link to it?

I'll wait for your reply.


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