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Error in the beginning of a project

I am making a baby washcloth for my niece's first baby. It has a pattern (baby footprints) on it. Somehow I turned the pattern around and when I finished it the first third of it has the Perl side showing and the rest is the knit side. I think the first time I stopped I started up with the wrong row. Do I have to tear it all out or is it possible to just tear down the first 3 inches?

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Apr 22, 2020
Error in the beginning of a project
by: Ratchadawan

It's possible that you can just take apart the first 3 inches. Then turn your work around and work back to the first row.

Use smaller size needle to pick up stitches on a row above the last mistake row. Then cut yarn a row or two below that. Rip the mistake row out and now you can begin working back using the original size needle of the pattern.

Here is a video that might help you with cutting yarn and picking up stitches on a row.

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