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finishing a project

by Dee Ann
(Rathdrum, ID USA)

knit 2 sts together

knit 2 sts together

How do I do the following -- At the end, split the remaining 68 stitches on your circular needle (each Side 34 stitches and knit them together with a double-pointed needle.

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Jun 30, 2024

by: Ratchadawan

Hello Dee Ann,

To knit the remaining 68 stitches together with a double-pointed needle (DPN), splitting them into two sides of 34 stitches each, follow these steps:

Divide the Stitches:

Slide the 68 stitches to the center of your circular needle cable.
Count out 34 stitches and place a marker to separate them from the next 34 stitches.
Prepare the DPNs:

Take a set of double-pointed needles (DPNs) and prepare to use two of them.
Transfer the Stitches:

Slip the first 34 stitches from the circular needle onto one DPN.
Slip the remaining 34 stitches onto another DPN.
Position the Needles:

Arrange your work so that the stitches on the DPNs are parallel to each other, with the right sides (RS) facing each other if you want an invisible seam, or with the wrong sides (WS) facing each other for a decorative seam.
Join and Knit Together:

Insert a third DPN or a separate circular needle through the first stitch on each of the two DPNs (one stitch from each side).
Knit these two stitches together as one.
Repeat this for each pair of stitches: insert your needle through the next stitch on each DPN and knit them together as one.

Continue until all stitches have been knit together. You should end up with 34 stitches.

Bind off these remaining stitches if your pattern requires it.

Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

See a video below on 3 needles bind-off. You perform the same technique as shown in the video except yours does not involve bind-off. you just knit them together and leave the 34 sts on the needle.

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