Voliere yarns from Knit Picks


I am using Arlo's Christmas Stocking pattern 2013.
I cannot figure this out:
Heel (RS)

k1 (1st st of pair) correct mount of the YO(slip the YO purlwise, enter sl YO with the left
needle from front to back, place on Left needle), k2tog (the YO with the 1st of next pair) turn.

I can' make heads or tails of this.

Thank you in advance. Is there a video of this step???

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Jan 12, 2020

by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome!

Jan 12, 2020
Thank you
by: Carol

I am saving this site.
Knitting 50 plus years, first stocking and it stumped me. Many thanks, good video and I share refer to it again I am sure.

Jan 10, 2020
Yo short row heel
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Gibberish,

Heels can be quite confusing. Luckily there is a video that shows you how to do just that. This is a short row version that you're doing. And you've already done the first part of this video.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your question. Happy knitting!


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