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Half fisherman's rib Yo vs purl into stitch below.

by Marie Bambo
(Salt Lake City, Utah, USA)

Dear Ratcha ( dawan ) Chambers, Thank you in advance for your time and efforts.
I am Knitting a sweater , bottom up, using the half fisherman’s rib, in the round. I am an advanced knitter.
My Question is : Is there a difference in there a difference between
A: YO technique ( Row 1. K1, YO, sl 1 purlwise. Row 2. K1, p1 with it’s yo )
Or B: row 1 knit all sts. Row 2: k1, p1 into st below. ??
I like the k1, purl 1 into st below because i like the texture this gives. I don't want the long slipped st on the right side.
Both are on YouTube. But no comparison is made between the two.

Please excuse the mouthful of a question.
I look forward to your response.
Marie Bambo

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Nov 11, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Hi Marie,

Thanks for asking. I don't know what the differences until I sit down and knit both ways and compare them. I would do that if I have more time. It's just a matter of what you prefer, I think. It seems to me the one that knit below would give a tighter fabric since you don't have to move the yarn as much and this give you a good tension control. If I were to choose, I would do the one you pick.

Thank you for sharing your thought and question. Have fun making the sweater.


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