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Help please. “Continue in pattern”

by Elaine
(Scotland )

Hello, I’m knitting a waistcoat, I’ve confused myself, please can you help. I’ve just done row 19.

I’m not sure what “ Rows 20 to 34: Continue in pattern for 15 rows”, means. Does it mean repeat the row I’ve just done, 19?
Or, is “the pattern” the woven stitch ? Which is repeating rows 1 and 2? So I now need to continue with row 2 ? The size I’m making is the 4th one along in the brackets. Ie. Row 19 I now have 289 sts.
I just can’t see how I get to Row 35 and have 301 on my needle.

Using 5mm needle, cast on 227239: 251: 263: 275: 287: 299: 311 sts.
Row 1 (RS): Sl1(knitwise), *yf, sl1p, yb, K1, repeat from * to end.
Row 2: Sl1(knitwise), yf, P1, * yb, sl1p, yf, P1, repeat from * to last st, P1.
Shape lower front edge
Increase 1 st at front edges on the next 18 RS rows as follows -
Row 3: Sl1(knitwise), M1, *yf, sl1p, yb, K1, repeat from * to last 2 sts, yf, sl1p, yb, M1, K1.
Row 4: Sl1(knitwise), * yb, sl1p, yf, P1, repeat from * to end.
Row 5: Sl1(knitwise), M1, K1, *yf, sl1p, yb, K1, repeat from * to last st, M1, K1 .
Row 6: Sl1(knitwise), P1, * yb, sl1p, yf, P1, repeat from * to last st, P1.
Rows 7 to 18: Repeat the last 4 rows three more times.
Row 19: Sl1(knitwise), M1, *yf, sl1p, yb, K1, repeat from * until there are 5760: 63: 66: 69: 72: 75: 78 on the RH needle, K2tog, place marker on needle (Right side marker), SSK, pattern 123129: 135: 141: 147: 153: 159: 165, K2tog, place marker on needle (Left side marker), SSK, pattern to last 2 sts, yf, sl1p, yb, M1, K1 (241253: 265: 277: 289: 301: 313: 325 sts).
Rows 20 to 34: Continue in pattern for 15 rows.
Row 35: Sl1(knitwise), M1, *yf, sl1p, yb, K1, repeat from * to 2 sts before Right side marker, K2tog, slip marker, SSK, pattern to 2 sts before Left side marker, K2tog, slip marker, SSK, pattern to last 2 sts, yf, sl1p, yb, M1, K1 (253265: 277: 289: 301: 313: 325: 337 sts)

Thank you, I really appreciate your help, I really don’t want to have to start again, I’ve already started again once.


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Dec 06, 2020
continue in pattern
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Elain,

Wow, you could really get lost in this pattern. I knitted a sample and it looks pretty.

For row 20 to 34 you just keep your pattern going just as you did from row 3-6. You'll gain 12 sts once you get to row 35 and then 2 more after completing row 35. You should have 301 sts just like it says.

Thank you for visiting and questioning. Enjoy the rest of the evening!


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