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Help With Pattern - Inc 1 st at each side on 5th and following 6th row

by anonymous

I'm working on the sleeve for a cardigan, didn't follow this part of the pattern a bit confused.

"working in stocking stitch (throughout) inc 1 st at each end of the 5th and every following 6th row to 50 sts"

Does this mean, i increase a stitch on either side of the 5th row AND 6th the counting from there?

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Sep 25, 2024
Shaping sleeves help
by: Anonymous

I’m so confused.

My pattern says increase at each end of 5th row and every foll alt row. Does this mean increase on the 5th row , work the 6th row , increase in the 7th row, the 9th row…

Aug 07, 2024
Help with shaping sleeve
by: Anonymous

The pattern says inc at each end of 5th and every following 8th row. Do I do 5th row ,8th row and then every 8th row.

You do the 5th row and then work even 7 rows and then on the next row which is the 8th row you increase. Then repeat the increase every 8th row.


Jun 02, 2024
Sleeve pattern
by: Anonymous

Could I please have some help with this?

Work 66 rows in 1 st at each end of 3rd and every foll 7th row working increased sts in patt. (I'm working in double moss st)

May 18, 2024
by: Debbie

Not sure what this means. Increase 1 stitch at each end of 6th, then on following 11: 4th rows
I don’t get the 11:

Apr 06, 2024
by: Anonymous

There's an increase on the 5th row of 8 which forms the pattern (sleeves) but then says to inc on 3rd and every following 6th row. That's fine, but do I continue to increase on 5th row as well?


yes, keep the 5th row as it is because it is a part of the 8 row-pattern. Changing it will compromise the pattern.

Thanks for the question.


Mar 27, 2024
Thank-you 😊
by: Lorraine

Thankyou so much for your help, very much appreciated 😊👍

Mar 27, 2024
Sleeve increases
by: Lorraine

Hi, I too get confused by the following an wondered if you could please help:
Inc 1 St at each end of 6th & 7th row foll 6th rows, then on 8 ,foll 4th rows. Please help I need to finish my sleeves 🤣🧶


Yes, I’ll be glad to help.
First inc 1 st on each end on the 6 th row and in again on the next row (7th row)
Second, work straight for 5 rows and inc on the next row (6th row).
Third, *work 3 rows straight and then inc on the next row (4th row) ** then repeat from * to ** 7 more times (8 total).

I hope this helps!


Mar 25, 2024
by: Anonymous

Help please!

My pattern says

Inc on each edge: on foll 10th rows, inc 1st twice


This means to * work 9 more row straight and then inc one stitch on Each edge on the next row which is the 10th row. Then repeat from * once more.


Mar 17, 2024
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you Ratcha.
Very clear explanation.
Much appreciated.


Not a problem Joy. Happy to help.


Mar 05, 2024
Help please
by: Joy


My pattern says cont in garter st and taking extra sts into garter st as they occur - increase 1 St at each end of the row and 8th following 6th row 42( 44,46) St.
It's for the sleeve.
Can you please help with this?
Not sure how to interpret it.

Thank you

Increase 1 stitch at each end of the row: You make an increase at the beginning and the end of the next row.

On the 8th and following 6th rows: This means that after you've increased on the first row, you'll continue knitting even rows without increases until you reach the 8th row, where you'll increase again.

Then, you'll knit 5 more rows without increases (6 rows total) and increase again on the 6th row after the previous increase. Repeat the increase every 6th row until you reach the number of stitches of your size.

Hope this helps,


Feb 19, 2024
by: Anonymous

Hi, my pattern asks me to increase 1stitch on each side every 2cm what does the mean?


It means you do an increase on each end on the next row then work even for 2cm and then do another increase. Repeat the process until further instruction.

Jan 20, 2024
Another shaping sleeve top question
by: Kathleen

So confusing….
Dec 1 st at each end (as before) of every 8th row (0) times, 6th row (0) times, 4th row (3)times, alt row (8) times, each row (0) times.

I’ve only included the decrease number for my size. The other sizes have different numbers of Dec.

I see in other comments you made, skip the ones with zero and do the rows with a number. If I understand that correctly, I should do 4 rows Dec 3x and the alt row 8 times.

Is this correct? Thank you!

Nov 26, 2023
Help with pattern
by: Anonymous

Ok, I need help as well. My pattern reads as follows: My size is I use the last number as in this case I should have 78 stitches in the end

Inc 1 st at each end of 5th and 3(2:8:5:11) foll 4th rows, then on every foll 6th row to 64(68,72,74,76, 78) stitches.

Thanks for the help.



No problem. I'm happy to help.
First, inc 1 st at each end of the 5th row one time. Then inc every 4th rows 11 times. Then inc every 6th rows until there are 78 sts.

Have a great day!


Nov 09, 2023
Help please, I am so confused
by: Julie

My pattern reads the following

Inc 1 st at each end of 5th(7th: 7th: 7th: 7th) and 6(0: 0: 0: 0) foll 6th rows, then on 1(7: 8: 7: 7) foll 8th rows, then on 0(0: 0: 2: 3) foll 10th rows. 49(53: 57: 61: 67) sts

I am doing the largest size, I just can't seem to grasp what to do


Hi Julie,

First inc a st on each end of the 7th row one time,
then skip the next section since it's 0 time,
Then inc a st on each end of every 8 rows for 7 times,
Then inc every 10 rows 3 times. You should end up with67 sts.

Have fun knitting!

Jul 22, 2023
Help please
by: Anonymous

Sleeve pattern says increase at each end on 5th and following 10th rows. Does this mean 5th and the count 10 or every fifth row?


Do increase on the 5 th row and then increase every 10 rows after that.


Feb 16, 2023
by: Anonymous

I’m knitting the sleeves the pattern says " inc1st each end of next row and flowing 6th ( 4th-4th-4th-4th) rows until there are 67(59-63-81-85)st ???

Apr 10, 2022
by: Anonymous

Inc 1 st at each end of next then every foll 2nd and every foll 5th row

Dec 22, 2021
Inc sleeve
by: Ratchadawan

Work even 3 rows and inc a st on each end on the 4th row. Then inc a st on each end every 8th row until you have 47 sts.

Dec 15, 2021
Help needed please
by: Anonymous

Can anyone help me with this please I am knitting a sleeve the pattern says begin with a purl row work in St-st inc 1 St at each end of 4th and every following 8th row to 47 sts

Oct 28, 2021
Stuck on a pattern
by: Anonymous

Hi I have a pattern as follows:-

what does inc 1 st at each end of 2nd and 5[3:4:10:16]foll 4th rows, then on 7[9:9:5:1]foll 6th rows. Please help.

Oct 17, 2021
Increasing stitches
by: Anonymous

This is what my pattern reads. Cont in patt, inc 1 st at each end of 3rd and 5 foll 8th rows, then on 2 foll 10th rows. The phrase 3rd and 5 foll 8th rows confuses me

Mar 19, 2021
increasing and working into patt 1 st at each end of 3rd and every foll 4th rows
by: Ratchadawan

You almost got it. You increase on the 3rd row, then increase every
4th rows after the 3rd row. So it will be like this;

3rd row: increase
4th-6th: work even
7th: increase
8th-10th: work even
11th: increase
and continue like increase every 4th rows like that until you have 83 sts.


Mar 18, 2021
Knitting Pattern
by: Anonymous

Hello there!
Can you help me understand this pattern:

Continue in patt as given for back, increasing and working into patt 1 st at each end of 3rd and every foll 4th rows to 83 sts

Does that mean I need to increase in every 3rd and 4th row? for example,
3rd row (increase)
4th row (increase
5th - 6th row work even in pattern)
7th row (increase)
8th row (increase)
10th - 11th row (work even in pattern)

Is it like that?

Feb 06, 2021
Confused new knitter
by: Kay

Hi all can someone please help me with my increasing on sleeve.
Pattern reads
Inc 1st at each end of 5th and (5) foll 6th rows, then on every foll 8th row until 49 stitches . I've figured the row bits but it is the (5) bit that is confusing me.
I'm using a easy stylecraft pattern

Apr 05, 2018
by: Ratchadawan


It means to increase 1 st at each end of the 5th row one time (right side). Then after that, you do increases on each side every 6th row until you have a total of 50 sts. All the inc rows should all be on the right side.

Thanks for visiting and sending in your question.

Enjoy your project!


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