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Help with Sirdar pattern 5306

by Kate

The pattern says:

Next Row. K26 27:28:30:31:32, cast on
5 sts loosely, turn, leave rem 31 32:33:
sts on a stitch holder.
Working on these 31 32:33:35:36:37 sts
only proceed as follows:-
Next Row. (ws). K5, purl to end.
Next Row. Knit.
Last 2 rows set st-st and g-st (garter
stitch) edge.
Cont in st-st and g-st edge until front
measures 30

What does this mean and how do I do it? Last 2 rows set st-st and g-st (garter
stitch) edge. Cont in st-st and g-st edge until front
measures 30 cm

Thank you for your help

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Dec 08, 2023
Help with Sirdar pattern 5306
by: Kate

Fantastic! Thank you so much for all your help :)


You're welcome!


Dec 07, 2023
Sirdar pattern 5306
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Kate,

This is to add a flap so that it over lap the center. This is where the 5 extra stitches come in.

First , k26, cast on 5 stitches onto the right needle using knit on method. see video below.

Place the remaining stitches on the left needle on a stitch holder and forget about it for now.

Back to the right needle. You have now 31 sts (I'm using the smallest size as an example. Your size might be different.)

Start working the next row where the cast on stitches are. Starting with k5, p to end. Knit the next row. (These 2 rows are set up rows for repetition. It produces garter stitch edge.)

Follow these 2 rows as directed until you have 30cm long.

Hope this is not too confusing. Best to you.


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