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Help with working out a pattern - armhole and neck decreases

by Louisa Rumsey

I'm struggling to work this out:

Keeping stripes correct, dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 6 alt rows and at the same time dec 1 st at neck edge of 2nd and foll 3 alt rows, then on 2 foll 4th rows.

Dec 1 st at neck edge only on 2nd and 9 foll 4th rows.

How many rows am I doing altogether?? It's confusing.

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Aug 22, 2023

by: Ratchadawan

Sorry about that Louisa. I forgot the last part there.

The final instruction is just want to make sure you decrease every 4th row for 9 times total.
When you're done with armhole shaping you will continue to do dec on the neck edge. You'll do dec every 4 st for 7 more times. This looks like you will add another 28 rows or so.

Best to you,


Aug 19, 2023
Thank you!
by: Louisa Rumsey

What about those final instructions at the bottom, every 4th row 9 times??

Aug 18, 2023
armhole and neck decreases
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Louisa,

Thanks for visiting and sharing your question.

"Keeping stripes correct, dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 6 rows, then on foll 6 alt rows and at the same time dec 1 st at neck edge of 2nd and foll 3 alt rows, then on 2 foll 4th rows."

Yes, this is very confusing direction because you have to work 2 sides at once. I found it's helpful to write draw out a line by line instruction on a piece of graph paper. This way I can see it more clearly.

For the armhole edge, you dec 1 st for the next 6 rows, then every other rows for 6 times. This makes a total of 18 rows from the beginning of decrease.
For the neck edge, you dec 1 st on the 2nd row and then again on every other row 3 times, then every 4th rows 2 times. This would make up to 18 rows.

Work armhole and neck edge at the same time and you should get them done on row 18 of decreasing.

Thanks for the question and best to you!


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