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Honeycomb Check Stitch Question

by Bernadette


The pattern says: *insert right needle from front of work
into Dec st from Row 3 and draw up a loose loop (leave loop on right needle), p3, insert cable needle or crochet hook into front of same Dec st from Row 3 and draw up a loose loop, place this loop on right needle, p1;

I don't understand what it is saying. Very confused. Please clarify. Thank you!


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Sep 13, 2015
Honeycomb check stitch question
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Bernadette,

I did some search on the web and came across this honeycomb check dishcloth pattern which has exactly the same direction as you described in your question.

Original instruction: "*insert right needle from front of work into Dec st from Row 3 and draw up a loose loop
(leave loop on right needle), p3, insert cable needle or crochet hook into front of same Dec st from Row 3 and draw up a loose loop, place this loop on right needle, p1; "

Here is the simple version of the instruction I can translate to you.

"*Knit into a Dec St from row 3. You'll get a long loop, then p the next 3 sts, Then Knit into the same Dec St again. You're now ending up with 2 long loops forming a V shape with 3 purls sts in the center, p1;"

Does this makes any sense to you? If you're still confused please let me know.

Happy knitting!


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