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Hoodie Dog Coat - Confusion about pattern (back shaping and hood)

by Roisin
(Oakland, CA)

knitting dog hoodie coat

knitting dog hoodie coat

I'm currently working on this pattern: https://www.yarnspirations.com/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog-spinrite/default/dwb64f9837/PDF/BRK0713-006290M.pdf and i'm confused about the back shaping and the hood section. It seems like both sections would naturally continue in a fashion respecting the order in the pattern, ie. joining row, back shaping, then hood. What happens with the stitches that are stored on a separate needle after back shaping? How do I join the hood? Which side of the pattern is used to pick up stitches from? I'm very stuck at the point in the pattern directly before the back shaping section. I've attached an image of the portion in which I've completed the back shaping and begun the hoodie part.

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Mar 30, 2020
Ruby has a hoodie
by: Ratchadawan

Roisin, Before I could reply to your question about the hood placement, I did a quick knit on my machine so that I could see the how everything looked like. I just got carry away and made it slightly longer than what Ruby needs. I just finished the hood and trims by hand. So here it is. Ruby seems to like it. I swear this dog love to pose for a photo!

Mar 25, 2020
Hoodie Dog Coat
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Roisin,

You pick up stitches from the cast on row to make hood. It looks like you're at the bottom end. Where you attach a hood now is where you will knit back ribbing. (this is where you have marked with your yarn along with the opposite side). When you come to back ribbing part you will start pick up sts from the right bind off section, then work those sts off the needle and then pick up sts along the left side until the end of the bind off section when you attach a mark yarn. Does that make sense?

So what you have to do now is ripping out your hoodie that you just knitted. Go to the the neck side where those two leg holes are. Start picking up stitches along that cast on edge as mentioned in the pattern.

I think what causes the confusion is that you turn it up side down and put the hood in the wrong place. It should make a better sense after you turn it around and place the hood at the other end.

Thank you for your question. Have a wonderful day!


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