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how do i decrease one stitch each end every other row in 2x2 rib

by Katie

decreasing at each ends of ribbing

decreasing at each ends of ribbing

I have been searching everywhere and I'm lost, how on earth do you decrease a stitch each end in ribbing? I've tried it on a sample piece but it just never looks right. Would you be able to explain this to me?

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Aug 31, 2020
decrease at each edge every other row in ribbing
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Katie,

I don't remember doing this, but I might have. Just out of curiosity, I knitted a swatch and tried different ways of rib decreases to see what I like most.
I found that turning both end stitches of the decreasing rows into knit stitches gave the neatest look. You can see from the picture above. It will look better after blocking. If this is a sleeve, you won't even notice the edges at all since you will seam this edge to the armhole anyway.

Here how I did it;

On the wrong side (none decreasing side): purl the first and last stitches while keeping the rest of the stitches in the rib pattern.
On the right side or decreasing side: Slip 1, k1, passover, ribbing to last 2 sts, then k2tog.

Try that and see what you think.
Have a lovely evening!


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