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How do I drop stitches into a separate needle and stitch them together individually?

by Emma

Hello there I’m working on a pattern I purchased off of Etsy and I’m trying to combine two bands together on circular needles. It says to drop 7 stitches from the band with the button holes and then combine and join them them with the band from the other side. I don’t know how to do this and I can’t move forward with my project. If pictures are needed I can take them and send them

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Feb 27, 2023
Combining bands
by: Ratchadawan

I tried imagine picture in my head but couldn’t. I’m not sure how the the sts would remain intact when droppint them. I’m very confused with the instructions. I can’t give you an answer from the given instructions. Would you be able to contact the seller?

If you don’t get an answer then I will help you. May need picture and more details next time.

Best regards,

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