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how do i follow these instructions

I am knitting a sweater, i am on the part with the sleeves and i am having some trouble understanding the instructions. it says "Inc 1 st each end of next and following 4th rows." Does that mean i add a stitch to the beginning and end every 4 rows until i have the amount of stitches i need?

I already submitted one form but I forgot to add my email to hear back it is. I hope to hear back from you. i tried adding a picture of my pattern instructions but i cant figure out to convert it to a jpg so hopefully you can help me.

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Sep 29, 2020
how do I follow this instruction
by: Ratchadawan


"Inc 1 st each end of next and following 4th rows."

Yes, you've got it right. But first you'll need to inc at each end on the next row first and then increase every 4th row after that.

That's alright, you don't need to give out an email if you've already filled it in the form. The auto mail will notify you when I publish the question.

Thanks for sending in the question.


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