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How do I increase each end of row in consecutive rows?

by Katharina


My knitting pattern directs me to:

"Cast on 57 sts and work k1 p1 ribbing, casting on additionally at each edge 6 sts 3 times, 4 sts 4 times and 2 sts 4 times"

This sounds straightforward but, if I increase 6 sts at the beginning and end of Row 1, then turn the work, and increase 6 sts at the beginning of Row 2, the 6 sts from the start of Row 2 and the 6 from the end of Row 1 become a single line of 12 new sts.

How can I differentiate the 6 sts from the end of Row 1, from the 6 sts at the start of Row 2?

At first I thought the pattern meant just to increase at one end of each row, but then the piece (it's a collar) was clearly growing too large and I undid it and started again. But now i don't know how to resolve the problem.

I'd be really grateful for some assistance!

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Nov 22, 2023
increase collar
by: Ratchadawan

I think it might work better if casting on is at the end of each row, then turn and work to the end. Then repeat the cast on at the end of the row again. Work like this until you gain 18 sts on each end. Then start the next 4 st-increase in the same manner and so forth.

I hope this helps. Please let me know how it turns out.

thank you for the question.


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