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How do I join two needles with live stitches

by Neila

I am working on a wedding veil for a doll for two special little girls. I am using the Crystal chandelier pattern and a scalloped border. How do I join them without making it look scrappy and bumpy. Can anyone help me.

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Sep 23, 2015
joining live stitches
by: Neila

Thanks for the info. I spoke with a friend of mine who helped me in knitting and even she couldn't tell me which would be better. I will come back and review the video again on the seamless kitchner or mattress stitch. The faster one.

Sep 23, 2015
Joining live stitches from 2 needles
by: Ratchadawan

I don't know what would be best. For me personally, I would do the kitchener stitch. The mattress stitch might also work well, but you're the one to decide. There are many videos on Youtube on seaming and grafting.

Here are some examples kitchener stitch joining;

Kitchener Stitch Joining Method

And here are examples of mattress stitch seaming;

Mattress Stitch Seam

Best to you,


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