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how do i knit brackets and parentheses in a row

by Betty

I'm making a scarf and the row in question has both brackets and parentheses and I'm confused.
Here's the row: (YO, SLP-SLK, K2TBL, YO, K2TOGTBL, K11 K2TOG, YO twice, K1).
If you can help, I'd appreciate it.

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Feb 10, 2021
how do I knit brackets and parentheses in a row
by: Ratchadawan

You're welcome, Betty! Glad it works out.


Feb 10, 2021
by: Betty Smith

Thank you so very much - I understand now. I appreciate your time, my dear. Thanks.

Feb 09, 2021
how do i knit brackets and parentheses in a row
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Betty,

Thank you for visiting and questioning.

(YO, SLP-SLK, K2TBL, YO, K2TOGTBL, K11 [K2TOG, YO] twice, K1)

In the direction above, everything is worked once except for the [k2tog, yo] which will be worked twice. (I think you meant to type "k2togtbl" instead of k2tbl. I just left it the way it is.)

Here is how the whole group would look like if we remove the brackets;
(yo, slp, slk, k2tbl, yo, k2togtbl, k11, k2tog, yo, k2tog, yo, k1)

Have a good evening!


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