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How do I knit the wrap plus the stich together

by Donna
(Ontario Canada)

Knitting a shawl that has stems /leaves. The leaves are are in short row wrap and turns. The pattern says to knit the very tip of the leaf by knitting the wrapped stitch and the wrap together to give the tip of the leaf a nice pointed tip. Not sure how to do this. the tip of the leaf is wrap and turn and knit 17.
The pattern is Linnea Ornstein Rabbat shawl...Would appreciate helping me understand how to do this.

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Nov 04, 2020
knitting the wrapped stitch and the wrap together
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Donna,

Thank for contributing your question and visiting. It sounds like a pretty shawl. I'm not sure if you have a question on a wrap and turn or just knit the wrap and wrapped stitch together. I have an impression that you already know how to wrap and turn.

To knit the wrapped stitch and the wrap together is done by;

Use the right needle to pick up the wrap and place it onto left hand needle and then knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Just like k2tog.

Here is a video showing you how to pick up the wrap and knit with the wrapped stitch.

If you need help with wrap and turn, then this video below can help you understand it better.

Happy knitting!

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