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How do I knit these stitches

by Sheila

Picure of chart and key

Picure of chart and key

I have never been so confused in all my life. I am at the point where I am doing the
BOTTOM-LEFT CORNER. I do not understand what to do with the "-" stitch and the "+" stitch. Can you please tell me how to knit these? I just can't figure it out.

I had done a bottom edge for a right corner and when I came upon these at the end, I figured out that when I got to these symbols that I left the "-" symbol alone on the needle, then knitted the "+" stitch then slipped it back onto the left needle THEN turned the work to knit the stitches on the needle that had the rest of the stitches on. The instructions don't say anything about turning, but it works.

I took a picture of the pattern Key along with the chart.

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Jan 10, 2020
How do I knit these stitches
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Sheila,

I'm with you on this. I'm too very confused!! This is something new to me. You did manage to finish the right bottom. That's great! Now the question is how you can reverse it to make a left bottom. Can you tell me what are you making and can you show me the rest of the pattern? I'd love to play around with it and see if I can work it out. This may take me awhile though.

I'm sorry I can help you at this time. Maybe someone else will be able to. We'll see.


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