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How do I knit this row?


I thought that the garter stitch is just going back and forth with the knit stitch. My pattern says ...

ist row from RS: 5 std in garter st, K2, P3. What do I do????


I think you meant to write "1st row from RS: 5 sts in garter st, K2, p3."

You're right about garter st. It only requires knit sts back and forth. I think the designer has made a mistake by written down "garter st" instead of "ribbing". I would do 5 st ribbing by K2, p3 across the row since the pattern clearly indicates k2,p3.

What are you making? I'll be here If you still needed help in the future.

Happy Knitting!


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Jun 27, 2014
alternative ?
by: Anonymous

Could it also mean a 5 stitch garter border to the ribbing? ie. knit 5 stitches before the ribbing.

Jun 26, 2014
How do you...
by: Anonymous

I am attempting to making a Drops Design summer sweater titled "Summer Snug". I am fairly new to knitting so this is going to be a challenge but I have been practicing the other stitches and watching videos. I just didn't know how to start the pattern when it wanted 5 std in garter and then k2, P3. This pattern starts with short rows so that is the complete first row before I turn back. Now I have to look up Rib Stitch to get started. Wish me luck!


I searched the pattern and took a good look at it. It seems very complicated. I did told you wrong about doing k2, p3 across the row. It will be just knit 5 sts, then k2, p3.

Good luck with your snug.


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