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How do I know what the next stitch I do after cast off in shoulder shape

Question: I have trouble knowing which stitch I need to do after a bind off. Example: cast off 10 stitch then continue the pattern if only to knit or purl after the cast off which usually happen to shape shoulder I know what to do but if my pattern is a lace pattern I confuse which stitch I must do after the cast off. Is there a way to know what stitch I must do?

Answer: It is a little more challenging working with lace during decreasing. The easiest way to do is to look at the given chart (if there's any). If there isn't any chart come with the pattern, then we have to count the stitches. For example, if you have to bind off 10 sts at the beginning of the next row, then you bind of 10 sts, then start working the next st at the 11th sts. Use your existing pattern that you've already knitted as your guide. Hope this helps

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Oct 07, 2013
still confuse
by: Vee

Thanks for the answer, I slightly began to understand but know I confuse about counting stitch. If my lace pattern like this: K3,yo,skp,k2tog,yo, k3. And I must cast off 4 at the beg after cast off then I knit yo or skp?
my counting with this pattern like this:
1-3 knitt
4 yo
5 skp
6 k2tog
7 yo
8-11 knit

Vee, I'm so sorry for the delay. I didn't get a notice of missed your question for some reason. From what you told me. The cast off will end at yo. You can start new row at SKP.


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