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How do I " m1 knitwise in leg on sts under the last sts of the 2tog"

by Joanne
(Edmonton, canada)

How do I M1 knitwise in leg on sts under the last sts of the 2tog turn? This is part of the instructions for the heel portion of a Christmas stocking.

Thank you.

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Oct 03, 2018
How do I M1 knitwise in leg on sts under the last sts of the 2tog turn
by: Ratchadawan

Hello Joanne,

Thank you for stopping by. Christmas stocking sounds lovely! The heel turning method above is so different than what I am used to. I found this method used by Arne & Carlos on their website at: https://arnecarlos.com/how-to-knit-a-short-row-heel/
They are showing exactly how to do M1 after knit 2 tog on their video. I love watching how Arne purls. Might have to try that some time.

At about 11 minutes of the video, you'll see he's doing M1. Enjoy and Good luck with your stocking.


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