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How do I m1r or l after a slipped stitch

by Jen
(Guernsey )

My pattern says to sl1wyif, m1r. I am finding it hard to m1r or l after the slipped stitch without making my work very tight and pulled.

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Oct 19, 2024
How do I m1r or l after a slipped stitch
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Jen,
I’m so sorry for not responding to you for so long. I have been away from my work for a while . You probably have solved your knitting issue by now.

It can be tricky to work an increase like m1r or m1l after slipping a stitch with the yarn in front (sl1wyif) because the tension in the yarn can pull tightly.

To avoid tightness:

1. Loosen the slip stitch: When you sl1wyif, try to keep the yarn relaxed and give it a little extra slack. Don’t pull the yarn tight against the stitch.
2. Work the increase carefully: After slipping, when you go to make the m1r or m1l, gently stretch the fabric where you pick up the bar between the stitches. This will help prevent pulling the fabric too tight as you work the increase.
3. Practice with the tension: Some tension issues resolve with practice. Try working a few sample swatches to get the feel of how loose the slipped stitch needs to be before moving on to the increase.

Happy knitting!
Let me know how it goes.


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