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How do I pick up torn out edge stitches when first st of each row was slipped?

by BJ
(Newcomerstown OH)

I found an error about 12 rows down my ribbed stockinette edge. I knew how to go down a line of stitches at a time and turn them all the right direction, but I am on the very end and the edge was made by always slipping the first stitch, one row slip knit and one row slip purl. I followed instruction video where it said to put needle in small loop, then pick up the large loops by:

1. inserting crochet hook into the small loop, from front to back, then hold the large loop with some tension as you pull the lower part of the large loop through the loop on the hook to form a stitch.
2. With the hook in the stitch just made, pull the upper part of the large loop through this loop to form another stitch.

Problem is, now my edge isn't smooth. It looks like there is a knot at the top of each stitch along the edge.

Can you tell me how to pick them up so they don't look like I purled instead of slipped?

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Sep 18, 2021
Fixing Unravel Slipped Stitches Edge
by: Ratchadawan

Hi BJ,

It took me longer than I thought to get this video out to you. I kept running into problems.

I hope this is the solution you're looking for. It's such a pain to have to deal with a mistake after all the work you've done.

I think after you block it, it should look smoother.

Have a great night! Here is a video I made for you and others who may need help in the future.


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