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How do I read this pattern?

by Vicky

I am new to this and pattern is confusing me

1st row k0 1:0:0:0, *p1, k3, repeat from * to last 1 2:1:1:1 sts, p1, k01:0:0:0

This pattern?

Divide for pocket
Next row. Patt 13, slip next 23sts onto a stitch holder, patt across 23 sts left on a stitch holder for a second pocket lining, patt 10 15:19:23:27

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Oct 17, 2021
How do I read this pattern?
by: Ratchadawan

Hi Vicky,

The number before and inside the brackets represent different sizes of the project. They range from smallest to biggest from left to right. You only work with numbers that belong to your sizes which alway stand in the same position in or outside the bracket. It is helpful to find your size and circle them before start working.

For example, the 1st row instruction is to k0 [1:0:0:0]. This means all sizes have to do "k 0" or nothing to work at all except the size that comes after the smallest. So, if the first position in the brackets is yours then you must knit 1. The rest of them would skip this step and move on to the next step.

Then you just repeat *p1,k3* until you either have 1 or 2 stitches left depending on your chosen size. Then p1, and again do nothing or k1 depending on your size.

For the pocket division.

You continue working 13 stitches of the pattern that you're working on e.g. stocking, garter or anything else. Then slip the next 23 sts on a st holder. Transfer sts from the other holder to needle to make it easier to knit. Then use a new yarn to work 23 sts for a second pocket lining, work remaining 10[15:19:23:27] sts.

I'm not sure if this makes sense. I sure hope so. Thanks for the question and visit.

Happy Knitting!


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