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how do I under [ around (

by liz

My pattern states p1 9[m1 (k1,p1,k1) all innext st, m1,p1 k5tog,pi) to end
I do not understand where it states all in next st,

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May 02, 2020
by: Ratchadawan

No problem at all. I'm glad you're going to continue with the blanket.
Take care.


May 02, 2020
problem with pattern
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much I really appreciate your help and can now knit the blanket. I found the pattern in Yours magazine and there is no way of contacting them, I shall not use their patterns again.

Thank you again

May 01, 2020
[ml,(k1,p1,k1) all in next st, m1,p1,k5tog,p1]
by: Ratchadawan

What is ml ? Could it be m1?

If the ml is in fact m1 (make one) Then you'd actually have gained 4 sts total. You gain 1 st from the first m1, gain 2 sts from (k1,p1,k1) and gain another one from the second m1.

So you begin with 8 sts and end up with 8 sts.

Is that sounds right?


Apr 30, 2020
[ml,(k1,p1,k1) all in next st, m1,p1,k5tog,p1]
by: liz

If I do everything between [] I loose 4 stitches and only add 2, so it must mean something where it says after the () all in the next st. I need to adding the 4 stitches somewhere. Thank you for any help you can give

Apr 29, 2020
how do I under [ around (
by: Ratchadawan

Can you rewrite the pattern?
You only need to do the (k1,p1,k1) in to the next st. The whole thing in the [ ] is count as a set. And if the pattern need repeating it will tell you to repeat.


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